New Software and Platforms
New Software and Platforms

Section: New Results

Aggregation Techniques

We have developed [13] a general solution framework based on aggregation techniques to solve NP-Hard problems that can be formulated as a circulation model with specific side constraints. The size of the extended Mixed Integer Linear Programming formulation is generally pseudo-polynomial. To efficiently solve exactly these large scale models, we propose a new iterative aggregation and disaggregation algorithm. At each iteration, it projects the original model onto an aggregated one, producing an approximate model. The process iterates to refine the current aggregated model until the optimality is proved.

The computational experiments on two hard optimization problems (a variant of the vehicle routing problem and the cutting-stock problem) show that a generic implementation of the proposed framework allows us to outperform previous known methods.

We have applied this aggregation method to reduce the size of column generation (CG) models for covering problems in which the feasible subsets depend on a resource constraint [16]. The aggregation relies on a correlation between the resource consumption of the elements and the corresponding optimal dual values. The resulting aggregated dual model is a restriction of the original one, and it can be rapidly optimized to obtain a feasible dual solution. A primal bound can also be obtained by restricting the set of columns to those saturated by the dual feasible solution obtained by aggregation. The convergence is realized by iterative disaggregation until the gap is closed by the bounds. Computational results show the usefulness of our method for different cutting-stock problems. An important advantage is the fact that it can produce high-quality dual bounds much faster than the traditional Lagrangian bound used in stabilized column generation.

We have developed an algorithm for the exact solution of the Temporal Knapsack Problem [29], [24]. We proposed a dynamic programming formulation for the problem, whose size is exponential in the size of the input data. To cope with the curse of dimensionality, we based our algorithm on the Successive Sublimation Dynamic Programming method. We generalized it to allow more precise aggregation of the state space of the dynamic program. Several application-specific feasibility tests and dominance relations, based on aggregated information, are used to derive an efficient implementation of the method. The algorithms compares favorably with the literature, solving several open instances.